Power System Engineering Training Towards Carbon Neutrality (PSECN) Professional Certificate Training Course co-organized by CCE with CEM and SKL-IOTSC, recently commenced on 31 August 2024.

Many guests from UM and CEM attended opening ceremony. Prof. Matthew Ting-chi LIU, Director of CCE, gave opening remarks and expressed the hope that this course would provide professional training suitable for local electrical engineers in Macao.  Moreover, Mr. Benjamin YUE, Principal Advisor to CEM Executive Committee, gave opening remarks and mentioned that UM and CEM are fully utilizing their respective training experience and resource advantages in the power sector to co-organize this course. It will provide participants with the latest knowledge and technologies in the field of net-zero emissions, actively supporting the country’s goal of achieving carbon neutrality by 2060.

This course is primarily designed who aim to contribute to the goal of achieving net-zero emissions by 2050. The course content covers the concepts and elements of establishing, maintaining, and operating net-zero emission and carbon-neutral systems. It will also provide an overview of traditional power generation systems and focus on the impacts of net-zero emissions. The course consists of 12 topics with a total of 87 hours. The course instructors are UM professors, registered engineers in Hong Kong, and guest speakers invited by CEM.

UM and CEM will continue to organize courses on carbon neutrality from time to time, cultivating the professional talents and technologies needed for the net-zero transition and promoting the country’s green transformation.