Professional Programmes

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The Centre completes the third batch of short course “Introduction to Big Data”

The short course "Introduction to Big Data" was completed recently and this is the third batch of the same course organ ...

The Centre completes the third batch of short course “Introduction to Big Data”eddieleong Leong Wai Cheng2023-06-19T10:42:22+08:00

Teacher professional development activities promote the in-service teaching staffs’ skill improvement

Centre for Continuing Education has cooperated with the Education and Youth Affairs Bureau to provide professional deve ...

Teacher professional development activities promote the in-service teaching staffs’ skill improvementizziemui Mui Si Wai2023-06-16T15:54:04+08:00

The University of Macau provides professional training courses for local government departments

In 2019, our Center provides tailor-made in-house training for many local government departments. We organized a number ...

The University of Macau provides professional training courses for local government departmentsizziemui Mui Si Wai2023-06-19T10:43:41+08:00

Co-organize library related courses with MLIMA to cultivate professional talents

In response to the needs of the Macao Library and reading promotion education, our Center and the Macao Library and Inf ...

Co-organize library related courses with MLIMA to cultivate professional talentsizziemui Mui Si Wai2023-06-19T10:43:45+08:00

UM offer Gemmology and Diamond Grading courses to help local practitioners to meet international standards

“Certificate in Gemmology” was designed based on the UK’s Gemmology foundation courses; the purpose of the course is to ...

UM offer Gemmology and Diamond Grading courses to help local practitioners to meet international standardsizziemui Mui Si Wai2023-06-19T10:43:57+08:00
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